Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Year One

First year down and we are still kickin it. 
Aaron and I are still married, 
and Ruby is alive.  

How did we get from this...   

to this

in just one short year!?  

We grew a lot, we learned a lot and we loved each other...a whole lot.
 We are a family of three. 

Actually, make that four...
we couldn't have done it with out you too Lily!

we managed to pull off a very fun 
First Birthday/St. Patty's day party 
for littlemiss Ruby James

Here's how we did it...

I am now a strong believer, that no kids party should occur without a bounce house.  
A bounce house is cheap 
it keeps kids entertained for hours, 

it also allows the "big kids" to enjoy the party too. 
That's a keg of Stella Artois below (thank you Bill)

we floated it in less than 2 hours.
I was so proud. 
Reminds me of this one time, in college...

Oh wait, sorry, back to the details...

I had a St. Patty's Day Hat Pinata custom made and stuffed it full of candy
(oh, and please excuse Aaron's target practice in the background, that definitely was NOT part of the party!)

As for food, 
we had a lot. 
This bad mama-jamma was gone fast


I also made tons of corned beef, cabbage, carrots and baby potatoes, 
it was a big hit 
and a great way to feed a crowd 

we had 80+ adults and kids...
did I mention it helps to have a parking lot across the street from your house?

Also, who throws a party in 2012 
without stealing a few ideas from Pinterest?  
Enter, rainbow cupcakes (thank you momma!) 
and fruit skewers.

Decorations were mostly
(I have to credit my BF Marissa for creating this amazing chain-link rainbow centerpiece!)

 lots of cute banners on clearance at Target 

It really was a 
perfect day

Oh, and did I mention that one of my dearest friends is a professional photographer?  
This day would have been a serious blurrrrrr 
if it weren't for Krista Sparkman Photography

Needless to say, 
we couldn't have celebrated in such an awesome way, 
if we didn't have so many 
friends and family.

and for the record
Ruby was definitely 
on her birthday...

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Best Year Ever

This year, really was the best year of my life
I tried to balance as a working mom and Aaron's wife
Still getting settled, its one of those things, day by day, night by night

We cozied on in to our sweet old house in the Heights
Our first born arrived, Ruby James, she was 10 days late
but thats ok, sometimes its good to wait

I realized how much closer you can be with your momma and pops
in-laws too, they also rock

Auntie Sarah spoiled Ru, and so did Unky Ry
She is a lucky little girl, she's the sunshine in our sky

Surprise! I turned the big three oh oh oh...
oh my how time speeds away, it really does go go go

Ruby took her first plane ride to MO
and met her Great Grandma Dot
I realized life is fleeting and appreciate it all so much more, alot

Babies were born, weddings were had,
I realized how fun it is to be married to the world's cutest dad

We went to a farm, to the beach, to the pool and the park 
lots of celebrations, too many to list 
lots of time with loved ones, pure joy does exist

My sweet baby Ru melted my heart, every day
Sta snapped the pics, and documented every step of the way

Oh twenty eleven, the memories are sweet
Everything was a first, life seems brand new
2012, whatcha got for us Lews?