Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Two years

So much has changed in our life over the past 2 years...


New house

New baby

I am 30

We are actually settled in to life (I think) 

Not sure which "new thing" contributed to this new found satisfaction, but I would like to think everything culminated this feeling. 

For those that know me, know that I always say "these are the times of our life". The pictures and memories we take and make now will be the ones we hold so dear as we grow old.  

Ruby will look back at these days and say "wow, my parents were normal people...they were young once too." 

But she won't really understand until she gets to that stage of her own life.   

Funny thing about life, everything you hear over and over again from more "experienced" folks is true.  Time flies, especially the older you get, your kids magically become the light of your life, etc. 

So here we are, time is flying and these are the days I want to hold on to.  

Happy 2 year Anniversary Aaron baby, I love you.


  1. all the best to both you. I really have enjoyed getting to know you guys and have great respect for the relationship you have developed. Many years of happiness :)

