Thursday, December 22, 2011

Did I hear a niner in there?

My sweet baby
who this time last year was in my belly
is now 9 months old and counting

Time is speeding up
life is moving faster than ever...

legit crawling
sippy cups and real food

it'sall so. cute.

I am constantly in a state of surprise though
like I didn't get the memo
like I don't get a "your baby will be doing this" email
every day from


I am turning into a nerd
I actually found myself saying to Aaron tonight
"it really is amazing, you know,
the miracle of life"

what has happened to me?

It's real people,
being a parent is one big emotional ship
and that ship has set sail in our house.
Aaron is on board too though, so I'm not that crazy

Oh, and I just realized that we were in serious
denial about the amount of toys that would eventually
our living room house.

I like order, neatness
and swore that I would not succumb to the toy craze

but we are
knee deep
I almost killed myself the other night when I stepped on a
small plastic block
and I know everyone can relate.

Anyways, it really is funny how being a parent changes you.
for the better.
kids are awesome.
(so are really cute dads)

So, here's to nine months of sweetness.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sweet Change O'mine

So, a long time ago
I decided that, since I do the laundry
every bit of it
every 9 loads every Sunday, bit of it
that I would...brace yourselves do-gooders
keep any spare change I find in Aaron's pockets

Now, whether this is right or wrong
whether you like, or dislike
I. don't. care.
it is my small thing that I do,
it makes me feel good about life
makes laundry more fun
and I feel I am owed it
think of it like a tax

usually I rake in a dollar here and there
if I get lucky, there will be a 10 spot snugly awaiting me
even a crisp Jackson every blue moon
but today
I hit the mother load
$128 to be exact.

And before you go getting all weird-ed out
and start whispering amongst yourselves
"would she ever steal from me?"
the answer is no
I only enjoy taking Aaron's money
mostly because it is probably mine anyways

and for those of you who are truly disgusted, don't worry
not even I can steal that much
so yes, I will give him back his dough
this time.
He will probably notice anyways
and that just isn't as much fun

before I cough it up,
I might skim a few bucks off the top...just to teach him a lesson
or, I might wait to give it back to him after I see what kind of gift I get under the tree this year...

Saturday, December 10, 2011


This year, for Thanksgiving, we packed up the family and headed north
to chilly Missouri.

Why the "show me" state you might ask?
               My entire extended family is there
                      and they needed to meet Ru,
                                    and my cousin got hitched

Highlights include...

Ruby's first time on a plane

Aaron taking the window seat and stealing my neck pillow...both there and back

Introducing my daughter to her Great Grandma Dot. 
And getting a 4 generation pic

The fact that I am 30 years old and still go on vacations with my Mom & Dad.

Eating cake, and or, pie for breakfast most days...tis the season people!

My sweet cousin Shannon marrying her very own Mr. Wright

Aaron being the best wing man a girl could ask for 

My sister "checking her email" while driving her entire family in a Nissan Armada

Ruby's first big boo boo..her poor little forehead...

And the Best part ofitall, being with my family during the holidays!