I decided that, since I do the laundry
every bit of it
every 9 loads every Sunday, bit of it
that I would...brace yourselves do-gooders
keep any spare change I find in Aaron's pockets
Now, whether this is right or wrong
whether you like, or
I. don't. care.
it is my small thing that I do,
it makes me feel good about life
makes laundry more fun
and I feel I am owed it
think of it like a tax
usually I rake in a dollar here and there
if I get lucky, there will be a 10 spot snugly awaiting me
even a crisp Jackson every blue moon
but today
I hit the mother load
$128 to be exact.
And before you go getting all weird-ed out
and start whispering amongst yourselves
"would she ever steal from me?"
the answer is no
I only enjoy taking Aaron's money
mostly because it is probably mine anyways
and for those of you who are truly disgusted, don't worry
not even I can steal that much
so yes, I will give him back his dough
this time.
He will probably notice anyways
and that just isn't as much fun
before I cough it up,
I might skim a few bucks off the top...just to teach him a lesson
or, I might wait to give it back to him after I see what kind of gift I get under the tree this year...
You go Girl! lol